Recent and Upcoming Conference Presentations
Vision Sciences Society. St. Petes, FL: May 2016
Reduced convexity context effects in elderly not attributable to reduced presumption of depth Jordan Lass, Patrick Bennett, Mary Peterson, Allison Sekuler
Evaluating Temporal Interactions Between Pairs of Shapes Michael Slugocki, Catherine Duong, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Personal familiarity enhances sensitivity to horizontal structure during face identification Matthew Pachai, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett, Philippe Schyns, Meike Ramon
Dual Task Costs in Surround Motion Integration Jessica Cali, Jiali Song, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Learning to generalize stimulus-specific learning across contexts Ali Hashemi, Matthew Pachai, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Talk: Classifying Mixed Percepts During Binocular Rivalry in Younger and Older Adults Amanda Beers, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Psychophysics of Fingerprint Identification Parker Banks, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
Society for Neuroscience (2015)
Hashemi, A., Pino, L. J., Moffat, G., Mathewson, K. J., Aimone, C., Schmidt, L. A., Bennett, P. J., & Sekuler, A. B. (2015). Characterizing population EEG dynamics throughout adulthood. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL, Oct. 21.
European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP). Liverpool, England: August 2015
Beers, A. M., Sekuler, A. B., & Bennett, P. J. (2015). The oblique effect is not altered by aging. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the European Conference of Visual Perception.
Vision Sciences Society. St. Petes, FL: May 2015
The effects of motion cues on figure-ground perception across the lifespan Jordan Lass, Patrick Bennett, Mary Peterson, Allison Sekuler
Rabea Parpia, Ali Hashemi, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
Measuring the flexibility of orientation selectivity in face processing by varying task demands Matthew Pachai, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Effects of size, fixation location, and inversion on face identification Allison Sekuler, Matthew Pachai, Ali Hashemi, Patrick Bennett
Evaluating Phase Dependent Masking with Radial Fre- quency Contours Michael Slugocki, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Attentional cartography: Mapping the distribution of attention across time and space Eric Taylor, David Chan, Patrick Bennett, Jay Pratt
Position-specific learning in a texture identification task Patrick Bennett, Ali Hashemi, Allison Sekuler
Phase Integration Bias Predicts Performance in a Motion Binding Task Jessica Cali, Matthew Pachai, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
Stimulus-specificity of training with explicit or ambiguous diagnostic structure Ali Hashemi, Matthew Pachai, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Talk: Characterizing Perceptual Alternations During Binocular Rivalry in Children Amanda Beers, Michael Slugocki, Terri Lewis, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Vision Sciences Society. St. Petes, FL: May 2014
Local Perturbations to a Global Radial Frequency Masker Alleviate Lateral Masking Effects Michael Slugocki, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Neural Signals Underlying the Convexity Context Effect Jordan Lass, Ali Hashemi, Patrick Bennett, Mary Peterson, Allison Sekuler
The effect of noise on motion binding is similar in younger and older adults Jessica N Cali, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Measuring the flexibility of orientation selectivity in face processing by varying task demands Matthew Pachai, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
The time course of horizontal tuning during face identification Matthew V Pachai, Allison B Sekuler, Patrick J Bennett
Age-related effects on selective processing of horizontal structure in whole-face context Allison B Sekuler, Matthew V Pachai, Sarah E Creighton, Patrick J Bennett
Object-Based Attention is Modulated by Shifts Across the Meridians Adam Greenberg, Daniel Hayes, Alexa Roggeveen, Sarah Creighton, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler, Karin Pilz
Perceptual learning of detection of band-limited noise patterns Zahra Hussain, Patrick Bennett
The effects of inter-ocular contrast differences on binocular rivalry in younger and older observers Amanda M Beers, Allison B Sekuler, Patrick J Bennett
Classification images characterize age-related deficits in face discrimination Sarah E Creighton, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
The N170 is driven by the presence of horizontal facial structure Ali Hashemi, Matthew V Pachai, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Optical Society Vision Meeting Fall Vision 2014 Philadelphia, PA
Beers, A. M., Slugocki, M., Lewis, T. L., Sekuler, A. B., & Bennett, P. J. (2014). Characterizing perceptual alternations during binocular rivalry in children. Poster Presentation
Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL: May 2013
Aging does not decrease spatial suppression in a motion step task Lindsay E. Rosen, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Masking of individual facial features reveals the use of horizontal structure in the eyes Matthew V. Pachai, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Age-related effects of size and contrast on binocular rivalry Amanda M. Beers, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
The effects of aging on figure/ground perception: Reduced competition resolution in older observers. Jordan W. Lass, Patrick J. Bennett, Mary A. Peterson, Allison B. Sekuler
The time-course of rapid stimulus-specific perceptual learning Ali Hashemi, Jordan W. Lass, David Truong, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The Whole-Part Effect is Modulated by Spatial Cues Sarah E. Creighton, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Justine M. Y. Spencer,
The Bi-Annual Centre for Vision Research International Conference 2013
Beers, A. M., Peters, R. M., Sekuler, A. B., & Bennett, P. J. (2013). Awareness of arm position alignment with visual stimuli influences the effect of tactile input on binocular rivalry. Poster presentation
Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL: May 2012
Effects of Aging on the Integration of Inter- and Intra-modal Motion Cues Robert Sekuler, Eugenie Roudaia, Patrick J. Bennett, Pragya Jalan, Allison B. Sekuler
Eugenie Roudaia, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Exploring the relationship between the N170 inversion effect and horizontal tuning Ali Hashemi, Matthew V. Pachai, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
Discriminating emotions from point-light walkers in persons with Schizophrenia Justine M. Y. Spencer, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett, Martin A. Giese, Bruce K. Christensen
Exploring the relationship between the N170 inversion effect and horizontal tuning Ali Hashemi, Matthew V. Pachai, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
Aging reduces surround suppression effects in a perceived speed task Lindsay E. Farber, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Sarah E. Creighton, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Practice with inverted faces selectively increases the use of horizontal information Matthew V. Pachai, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The Effects of Spatial Cues on Age-Related Changes in Audio-Visual Temporal Order Judgments Emilie C. Harvey, Paul Sirek, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
Effect of context on the N170 for low spatial frequency filtered faces Chang Lu, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
The Effect of Context and Convexity on Figure Ground Perception in Aging Jordan W. Lass, Patrick J. Bennett, Mary A. Peterson, Allison B. Sekuler
The effects of aging on GABAergic mechanisms and their influence on visual perception Patrick J. Bennett and Allison B. Sekuler, Department of Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour McMaster University
Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL: May 2011
Short-term visual recall is preserved in aging Jie Huang, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett, Robert Sekuler
The effect of mask contrast on spatiotemporal masking in younger and older subjects Lindsay E. Farber, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The Influence of Aging on Audio-Visual Temporal Order Judgments Chris M. Fiacconi, Emilie C. Harvey, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The use of horizontal information underlies face identification accuracy Matthew V. Pachai, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Biological motion perception among persons with schizophrenia Justine M. Y. Spencer, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett, Bruce K. Christensen
Yaroslav Konar, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
The effects of aging and stimulus duration on face identification accuracy with differing viewpoints Ayan K. Dey, Matthew V. Pachai, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
The effect of aging on directional tuning when making judgments about horizontal and vertical motion Lia E. Tsotsos, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The correspondence problem in apparent motion perception and aging Eugenie Roudaia, Karin S. Pilz, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Individual differences in object-based attention effects in discrimination and detection tasks Karin S. Pilz, Alexa B. Roggeveen, Sarah E. Creighton, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL: May 2010
The Effects of Practice in a Useful Field of View task on Driving Performance Lia E. Tsotsos, Alexa B. Roggeveen, Allison B. Sekuler, Brenda H. Vrkljan, Patrick J. Bennett
Task-specific perceptual learning of texture identification Zahra Hussain, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The effects of aging on surround modulation of backward contrast masking Lindsay E. Farber, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Karin S. Pilz, Eugenie Roudaia, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
Stanley W. Govenlock, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Effect of aging on the use of orientation and position in shape perception. Eugenie Roudaia, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
Effects of aging on discriminating emotions from point- light walkersJustine M. Y. Spencer, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett, Martin A. Giese, Karin S. Pilz
Face identification and the evaluation of holistic indexes: CFE and the whole-part task Yaroslav Konar, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
The influence of horizontal structure on face identification as revealed by noise masking Matthew V. Pachai, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL: May 2009
Aging disrupts the processing of point-light walkers presented in noise Karin Pilz, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
Does holistic processing predict face identification? The effect of aging Yaroslav Konar, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Effects of face inversion and noise in persons with schizophrenia Justine Spencer, Jelena P. King, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler, Bruce Christensen
Guillaume Rousselet, Jesse Husk, Cyril Pernet, Carl Gaspar, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
Surround suppression in visual cortex: Effects of spatial frequency Allison B. Sekuler, Lisa R. Betts, Eugenie Roudaia, Yaroslav Konar, Patrick J. Bennett
Spatiotemporal properties of apparent-motion perception in aging Eugenie Roudaia, Karin S. Pilz, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The effects of aging on contrast discrimination Christopher M. Fiacconi, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
The effect of aging on the spatial pooling of local orientation signals Stanley Govenlock, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Impaired luminance detection in apparent motion trajectory Souta Hidaka, Masayoshi Nagai, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler, Jiro Gyoba
Evidence for no increased surround modulation in the aging visual system Lindsay E. Farber, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Versatile perceptual learning of textures after variable exposures Zahra Hussain, Allison Sekuler, Patrick Bennett
Individual differences in object based attention Alexa Roggeveen, Karin Pilz, Patrick Bennett, Allison Sekuler
Contrast-reversal abolishes perceptual learning Z Hussain, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett - Journal of vision, 2009
Impairment of peripheral motion perception in the elderly Tsotsos, L. E. Sekuler, A. B. Bennett, P. J. (2009). [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 9(8):653, 653a,, doi:10.1167/9.8.653.
Vision Sciences Society. Naples, FL: May 2008
PJ Bennett, M Pachai & AB Sekuler
SW Govenlock, K Kliegl, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
Jesse S Husk, LR Betts, KM O'Craven, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Z Hussain, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Effects of viewing condition and age on the functionality of eye movements for face recognition memory R Kealey , AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
The composite face effect is still not correlated with face identification accuracy Y Konar, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Psychophysical measurements of surround suppression in 5-year-olds T Lewis, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett oral presentation: presented by AB Sekuler
The influence of eye and mouth position on judgments of face orientation M Nagai, K Kazai, PJ Bennett, H Katayose, A Yagi, MD Rutherford & AB Sekuler
AB Roggeveen, LN Jefferies, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett & V DiLollo
High contrast contour integration and aging E Roudaia, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Rapid extraction of stimulus phase information during complex object processing G Rousselet, C Pernet, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
LE Tsotsos , AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
Investigating cortical orientation-tuning in older adults using steady-state EEG SW Govenlock, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
The composite face effect is not correlated with face identification accuracy Y Konar, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
The creaky attentional gate: Temporal changes in the spatial extent of attention in elderly and young observers AB Roggeveen, LN Jefferies, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett & V DiLollo
High contrast contour integration and aging E Roudaia, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
The effects of aging on the bandwidths of directionally-selective mechanisms LE Tsotsos , AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
Health Research in the City. Hamilton, ON: February 2008 The amazing, changing, aging brain (in "The Brain" open plenary session) PJ Bennett
Psychophysical measurements of surround suppression in 5-year-olds TL Lewis, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
Effects of aging on temporal changes in the spatial extent of attentio A Roggeveen, L Jefferies, AB Sekuler, PJ Bennett & V DiLollo
The effects of aging on the bandwidths of directionally-selective mechanisms L Tsotsos, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
Different time-courses of activation for static and non-rigidly moving faces KS Pilz & Johannes Schultz work Karin did at the Max Planck Institute
Session Co-Chair for "The Brain" and "Bugs and Brain" open plenary sessions AB Sekuler
McMaster Undergraduate Student Research Conference. Hamilton, ON: January 2008
Classification images measured in a same/different face discrimination task M Pachai, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
Society for Neuroscience. San Diego, CA, USA: November 2007
Size matters but age doesn't: Psychophysical evidence for mature suppressive-surround mechanisms in 5-year-olds TL Lewis, AB Sekuler & PJ Bennett
Estimating the size of eye movements for updating spatial memory LE Tsotsos & DYP Henriques work Lia did at York
European Conference on Visual Perception. Arrezo, Italy: August 2007
Time course of the sensitvity of the visual system to phase information GA Rousselet , PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
CVR Vision Conference. York University, ON: July 2007
Face discrimination performance is not reflected in the N170 J Husk, M Sergi, T Gora, G Rousselet, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
E Roudaia, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
The composite face effect is not correlated with face identification accuracy Y Konar, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Vision Sciences Society. Sarasota, FL, USA: May 2007
An absence of orientation selectivity for visual masking S Govenlock, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Classification images for sampled stimuli: Comparing face processing in typical and autistic observers M Nagai, PJ Bennett, M Rutherford, C Gaspar, D Carbone, M Nara, H Ishii, T Kumada & AB Sekuler
C Gaspar, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Y Konar, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
E Roudaia, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
J Husk, M Sergi, T Gora, G Rousselet, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
Z Hussain, PJ Bennett & AB Sekuler
PJ Bennett, M Nagai, M Honma, M Rutherford, C Gaspar, D Carbone, M Nara, H Ishii, T Kumada & AB Sekuler
Vision Sciences Society. Sarasota, FL, USA: June 2006
Narrow-band channels optimally sum a broad band of spatial frequency information. Christopher P. Taylor, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
Face-inversion effects flex with perceptual learning. Zahra Hussain, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Orientation Tuning Channels in Old and Young Observers Stanley W. Govenlock, Christopher P. Taylor, Allison B. Sekuler, Patrick J. Bennett
Orientation congruence judgments in faces & words Carl M Gaspar, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
The effects of task switching on age-related differences in shape perception Eric D. Richards, Patrick J. Bennett, Allison B. Sekuler
House Training: Neural correlates of object learning Jesse S Husk, Lisa R Betts, Kathleen M O’Craven, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Discrimination of facial feature displacement in individuals with autism Allison B. Sekuler, M. D. Rutherford, Kathleen A. Clements
Spatial characteristics of center-surround antagonism in motion discrimination Lisa R Betts, Allison B Sekuler, Patrick J Bennett
Vision Sciences Society. Sarasota, FL, USA: September 2005
Symmetry perception: a high-density ERP approach Patrick J Bennett, Guillaume A Rousselet, Allison B Sekuler
The role of sleep in perceptual learning of face-iden- Zahra Hussain, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
200 ms of controversies: a high-density ERP study of face processing Guillaume A Rousselet, Jesse S Husk, Patrick J Ben- nett, Allison B Sekuler
Eccentricity effects on the N170 face ERP component can be eliminated by size scaling Jesse S Husk, Guillaume A Rous- selet, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Upright & inverted face recognition relies on the same, narrow band of spatial frequencies Carl M Gaspar, Allison B Sekuler, Patrick J Bennett
Spatiotemporal templates for detecting 1st- and 2nd-order orientation- and luminance-defined targets Masayoshi Nagai, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Noise detection: summation of high spatial frequency informationChristopher P Taylor, Patrick J Bennett, Allison B Sekuler
Vision Sciences Society. Sarasota, FL, USA: August 2004
Perceptual completion is not better within than across hemispheres
Differential effects of eccentricity on N170 for faces and houses
Evidence for reduced inhibition in the aging visual system revealed by a motion discrimination task
Specificity of inversion effects in perceptual learning
Specificity of rapid visual learning: Faces versus textures.
The spatial spread of information constrains face discrimination
Noise detection: Optimal summation of orientation information
Age-related differences in shape perception
Representational momentum with different target's contrast
Vision Sciences Society. Sarasota, FL, USA: October 2003
The time course of the useful field of view: The effects of aging and learning
A linear cue combination framework for understanding selective attention
Age-related changes in orientation discrimination: Calculation efficiency or equivalent input noise?
Temporal variations in visual completion: A reflection of spatial limits?
How much practice is needed to produce perceptual learning?
The Effect of Information-Spread on Face Discrimination
Noise detection: bandwidth uncertainty and adjustable channels
Vision Sciences Society. Sarasota, FL, USA: November 2002
Isolating the causes of internal noise
Visualizing perceptual learning
Perceptual learning of spatial frequency information in faces |
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