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VCNLab Facilities



The VCNLab is located in room 428 of the Psychology Complex at McMaster University. The lab comprises 6 testing rooms for psychophysical, eye tracking, and Muse studies, along with workspace for students, a meeting room, and an office for the lab Research Assistant. The EEG testing suite is adjacent to the main testing suite, and we have easy access to fMRI testing at St. Joseph's hospital - a 5 minute drive from campus. 

In addition to the infrastructure in the VCNLab, the Department houses many other useful tools for experimental research, including a driving simulator, and a diffuse optical tomography system. Students also have access to McMaster's SHARCNet high performance computing system.

Psychophysical research is at the core of what we do, but many students complement that work with one or more other approaches enabled by our facilities (e.g., combining psychophysics with EEG, computational modeling, eye tracking, and/or fMRI). 

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